Am I Eligible?
Below are tools to learn if you or your children may qualify for Medicaid, FAMIS, Plan First or for health coverage through the Virginia Insurance Marketplace. For more information about who the Virginia Insurance Marketplace cover visit the individual program pages.
Important: Some types of health coverage are not based on income. You may qualify for other reasons, such as a disability. The best way to make sure that you get a full review is to Apply.
Check Your Eligibility
Use the Eligibility Screening Tool. Answer a few questions to find out which health care coverage may be available to you.
- Answer questions for people in your family who are on your federal tax return.
- If you don't file federal taxes, just answer for family members living with you, including your spouse and children under 21.
- You must answer each question with a number, even if it is 0.
Eligibility for health coverage is based on income plus other factors. This tool screens for income only. You may qualify for coverage based on other things like age or disability. To get a full review, you need to apply.
Go to the Eligibility Screening Tool on CommonHelp.
Virginia Insurance Marketplace
If you do not qualify for Medicaid or FAMIS, you may be able to get a health plan and help paying for it through the Virginia Insurance Marketplace. The Marketplace has an Open Enrollment Period every year from November 1 through January 15. There are also Special Enrollment Periods. To learn more about coverage through the Marketplace and when to apply visit or call 1-888-687-1501.